Di dalamnya, tubuh perempuan bergaun putih panjang itu masih bersimpuh di lantai dingin. Posisi bersujud. Rambut gimbalnya memanjang dan menutupi seluruh tubuhnya. Bowo duduk dengan posisi sila di …
"We all rojak what? I rojak, you rojak, Singapore rojak. Mix-mix, Malay, China, Ang Mor, India, Aiya.. never mind lah. As long as you happy what? Not happy, can be rojak also? what to do?" (Kita se…
Pintu (The Roof) is the continuation of Jendela-Jendela (The Windows). However, this novel can be read alone. Bowo, is the main character. A guy with a Javanese background, Bowo was born with the t…